Thursday, November 4, 2010


Our government is so frustrating. This past election day I watched all the elected officials celebrate "victory". Sometimes I wonder if all they really care about is winning these political battles as opposed to fighting for the american people. Democrat vs Republican, Republican vs Democrat. It gets old. They wonder why we arent getting things acomplished right now. Why we continue to have high unemployment, why school systems continue to be sub par. Its because they spend too much time bickering with each other over trivial stuff. Well, I will continue to vote and just pray for our elected officials.

Monday, November 1, 2010

RCA Song of the Week-(William Murphy/ Rejoice)

Sometimes we get so caught up in what the world is throwing at us. We just need to remind ourselve that we just need to rejoice!! The Lord is amazing and will always get us through.

Do we "really" get it?

I find it so interesting the different ways that the GOD can speak to us. I was watching the newer Karate Kid movie with my family last night ( It was actually a really good movie that stars Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan ). There was a part in the movie that got my mind churning. GOD later put on my heart that HE is moving and we try to form some sort of understanding, but do we really understand what HE is doing? Not giving away the movie ( Because you all should see it ), here is a brief summary.

Jaden's character, Dre, had a problem with always leaving his jacket on the floor instead of hanging it on the coat hanger like his mother always asks him to. Jackie Chan's character, Mr. Hann, witnessed an altercation between Dre and his mother over his jacket always being left on the floor. Mr. Hann would later on become Dre's martial arts teacher. The very first excersise Dre had to execute was hanging his jacket on a make shift coat rack Mr. Hann made in his back yard. And he wasn't done there. He had to hang it up, take it off the rack, put it back on, take it off, put it on the ground, pick it up, hang it on the rack, take it off the rack, put it back on.............He had to follow this sequence for hours. His entire training sessions consisted of doing this. Day after day he would show up, and had to perform this exercise.

One day Dre said to Mr. Hann " I get it ok. I should not treat my mom like that. I've learned my lesson". Mr. Hann responded by making him continue the drill. Well, Dre finally got fed up and was about to quit. He yelled at Mr. Hann telling him that he wasnt a real martial arts teacher. Mr. Hann yelled for him to come back. As Dre approached, he told him to put on his jacket. As he was putting it on he puched at him, but Dre blocked it. He told him to pick up his jacket. As he went to pick it up Mr. Hann kicked at him but dre ducked. He told him to put on his jacket and hang it up. As he did this Mr. Hann charged but Dre blocked it and counter punched.

This whole time Dre ( and im sure everyone else watching) thought he was just doing the excersise as punishment for disrespecting his mother. He began to get frustrated because he was still doing an excersise that he thought he already learned the lesson from. But he ended up learning something he didnt even know he was being taught.

Sometimes we as Christians do that. I know i'm guilty of it. We get put through the fire and constantly tested, but we get caught trying to figure out why. We get frustrated and ask GOD how much longer will I have to endure. We get just like Dre, ready to give up and move on because we feel we know what is trying to get accomplished or what GOD is trying to instill in us. We want to finish when we are done. GOD just wants us to sit back, because HE will reveal HIS plans on HIS time. Not ours. Our duty is to keep being obedient, listening and trusting GOD.